Pregnancy Week By Week – Second Trimester

Pregnancy Week By Week – Second Trimester. A pregnancy is divided into trimesters: the first trimester is from week 1 to the end of week 12. the second trimester is from week 13 to the end of week 26. the third trimester is from week 27 to the end of the pregnancy. 

Pregnancy Week By Week – Second Trimester

Pregnancy Week By Week – Second Trimester. In the group is very very broke down the weeks of the first trimester and hours of the second trimester doing week number 14 the baby has fully developed eyes which are covered by fuse Island it also has two glands and fully developed vocal cords so it can technically cry we can also see the first sign as the sum then.

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I also started roaming finally started working on the motherboard have more energy during this time, you also be increased appetite and the Mother’s hair grow longer, thicker, and darker during which number 16 the fetus is already 50 cm online just about 40 you will have eyelashes and eyebrows the Jungle develop the taste buds you should perform all the second-trimester screening during this time of the patient’s tendons and muscles or relax in this relaxation will continue till delivery because during delivery on the muscles and tendons to be relaxed with a baby can exist very easily but because of this relaxation.

There will be back pain, especially in the lower back area, and the rising hormonal cause lodging of the breast there will be also constipation and increasing the production of the oil glands which are mainly found in the face show the pregnant Mother will have the Classic glowing skin appearance during which number.

2nd trimester of pregnancy precautions

Seventeen, the fetus is rapidly growing, and the amniotic fluid around the baby is also increasing. The patient will have a drastic increase in weight and stretch marks during weeks number 18 and 19. The baby’s structures are very clear, so we can do an ultrasound to visualize the baby. This is also the best time to check whether or not you have a twins pregnancy. The Placenta is also clearly visible. The baby can also.

Have hiccups which are very interesting, the patient can have swelling in the hands or feet the back pain will increase there be like G and varicose vein during this week the baby is growing stronger and kicking harder during which number 20 defeats are about to 17 years and then the years as over the ear canals, and then there are four develop and it can hear my full sounds from the outside world the unit I is now fully developed and can be distinguished by.

2nd trimester pregnancy pains

Ultrasound so we can easily know the gender during this time there will be in the chest and heartburn like gram swelling of the hands and feet that mean the feet and national Dastak during the week number 21 the uterus finally starts contracting occasionally and this is known as forced labor or Braxton Hicks contractions these are completely normal and you should not be worried about them keep in.

mind that these are a regular and at various Times unlike actual contractions of labor with our regular and occur at specific times but 53 minutes of Earth the real contractions also much stronger there will be more heartburn and indigestion waking the small amount of milk from the breast dry skin and stretch marks during which number 22 the fetus is growing larger and this causes outward protrusion of the umbilicus

So the bill button will be reverted. There be more stretch marks and more back pain during week number 23, so be more back in more Braxton Hicks contractions and more swelling of the hand and feet during which number 24 the baby’s eyelids are now separated into the upper and lower eyelid and a baby can open its Eyes the Rings.

Last Word.


They are also quickly developing an emergency. The first signs of maternal wheezing symptoms include leg cramps, more back pain, and more stretch marks. During week number 25, you have more energy but also more symptoms these include constipation and hemorrhoid, frequent urination bloating, heartburn, and indigestion.

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